For this year I have two plans for vacations, the first is go in a travel with my family somewhere out of Santiago, I don't know yet where we are going but a few days ago I talked to my mom to go out to "Los vilos" 'cause a friend of my mother invited us to her house, or the other options that I have in mind is go out to some valley, anywhere, just go there 'cause the landscapes are so beautiful (and it look so fresh there)
The second plan is go in vacation with my friends, every year we escape at least a weekend to any beach that reach are budget, but I'm not sure about if this years will be possible because my semester end the 15th of january and the most of my friends are already in holidays, so maybe they can leave soon to the beach and I wont be able to go with them 'cause probably I will be on test period.
Anyway, anything could happen and maybe I ended here in Santiago going nowhere, but that's fine for me... The only thing I really wanna do for this summer is rest and sleep 12 hours a day because this semester has been hard and I felt like a long long time I don't have a moment of peace. I only want that the semester ends please :(...