martes, 11 de octubre de 2016

Our amazing human body

Hi everyone, in today's blog I'm going to talk about how amazing is our body, better say how amazing are ours eyes. 
If you think better, it's really surprising the capacity that our eyes have, for example they have the ability to differentiate about one million of chromatic variation... That means one million of different colors! also the eyes can see images in a resolution about 250 megapixels,  if we compare to the best cameras that now exist, they only have a resolution of 50 megapixels top, so that's a lot of HD quality that we have on are heads, and if we wonder how humans eyes work, it's like a really photographic machine 'cause they receive the lightning and inside of them, they invert the image and the brains turns right again so we can see the clearly objects.
All of this ability are possible because in our eyes we have about 90-132 millions of cells that are sensitive to the high and low lights, where each cell its like a spot of information of the pictures.

That's really amazing for two piece of meatball that are not longer that 2,5 cm of diameter each!

Resultado de imagen para ojos y galaxias

6 comentarios:

  1. I don´t think that our eyes are so great, I mean fishes eyes are much better than ours. They have a sharper focus, and they need less light to see, and in anyway they are better adapted.

  2. I always wonder in how many years a camera will be on sell having the same resolution as human eye... that's gonna be an amazing invention

  3. I also wrote about eyes, I think they are amazing!

  4. The iris of the eye of each person is unique, like a fingerprint. You should see the film "I origins", I'm sure you'd like

  5. I think that the eyes are perfect! just like the picture, like galaxies
