Well, today's I'm only in the first year of university, studying Chesmistry and Pharmacy, so you understand that the job that I expect have to be related with the career that I'm studying. Thanks to the career has many areas of study, I have the possibility of work in many differents fields, for example I can simply work in a drugstore (the most comun thing), passing to a laboratory in the all indrustial thing about drugs or even work in PDI ( the chilean version of FBI), there is so many options to chose and I'm not sure yet about the area that I wanna work, but I have some ideas.
The first thing that it come to mind when I think in my laboral future is me working in a laboratory creating new compounds for a very terrible disease, I will love that ! but it is a little difficult because you have to do a PhD and here in Chile there is not work field. My second option is working in some field directly related with health area like Hospital Pharmacy (where your are management all the drugs of the hospital) or Clinical Pharmacy (where you participate in the diagnostic of a patient with the doctors).
I don't really know about the salary, but I think it will be a good one. Also I already have a experience in this fields 'cause the last semester in one of the courses took me to visit this areas, so I already have a little idea of what will be work in this fields so I'm only hopping the better for the future.

I think the laboratory area is the best!
ResponderBorrarwould you like do research in a laboratory or be in charge?
ResponderBorrarDo you think is a good idea to create an disease and the cure for that disease that you would spread to people around the world?