My name is Carla León Sepúlveda, I'm 18 years old. I was born in july 11th from 1997 in Barros Lucos Hospital. My mother name is Verónica, and my father name is Carlos, and also I have 3 brothers: Cristopher, Felipe y Bastian, but I'm only live with my mother and brothers.
I was my whole elemantary and high school education in Claudio Matte's school from La Granja, and today I'm studing chemistry and pharmaceutic in the University of Chile
In my free time I like to play and go out with my brothers because I'm the oldest one so I can take them everywhere, also I practice some sport like running, handball, ciclyng, rollerblading, but lately not much 'cause I don´t have enough time because of the University. I like every kind of music, in fact, when I was younger I used to play the piano, but I don't do it anymore. I love hangout with my friends 'cause we have so much fun together, we love go to the park or go to dance in discos. And that will be all classmate, thank for reading.

Carla, you are so cool! We could go running together someday :)
ResponderBorrarIm the old sister of the family too, and is so fun go out whit they, I understand that jajaja. Great blog
ResponderBorrarNice blog Carla, really your brother is called like me? That´s so funny :)
ResponderBorrarCarla, is great that you practice rollerblading, and why you didn't keep play the piano?